Tuesday 29 July 2014

20 Questions TAG

Hi chums!

Saw this TAG so thought I'd do it! Feel free to copy it and have a go yourselves!

1. Thing you cannot leave the house without - Phone, I feel safer with it!

2. Favourite brand of makeup - I use all sorts, don't really have a favourite if I'm honest!
3. Favourite flowers - roses, sunflowers, daffodils
4. Favourite clothing stores - New Look, Forever 21, Boohoo
Boohoo parcels!
5. Favourite perfume - Yellow Diamond by Versace
6. Heels or flats - Heels, I'm really short!
7. Do you make good grades - I'd like to think so!
8. Favourite colours - Blue, purple, green
9. Do you drink energy drinks - Not often
10. Do you drink juice - Every morning with breakfast!
I only own one pair of heels - I have a few pairs of wedges though!

11. Do you like swimming - I love it!
12. Do you eat fries with a fork - Sometimes
13. What's your favourite moisturiser - Simple
14. Do you want to get married later on in life - Yes!
15. Do you get mad easily - Yes, if I'm honest haha!
Simple moisturiser
16. Are you into ghost hunting - No
17. Any phobias - Dogs...I just don't like how aggressive they can be and I don't like it when they bark it's scary
18. Do you bite your nails - Sometimes
19. Have you ever had a near death experience - No
20. Do you drink coffee - Not often but I do love a Starbucks


I hope you enjoyed this TAG, feel free to copy it if you haven't already done so!

Abi :)


  1. Thanks for checking out my blog. That drink looks yummy.

  2. It's okay! It was haha! Abi :)


Thankyou for leaving me a message! Expect a reply soon!:)