Wednesday, 18 February 2015

GUEST POST: School Trips!

Hmm how to start this, well I am Harriet I write a blog called ConfessionsofHarriet where I ramble on about pretty much whatever is on my mind, which is pretty much food, fashion, music and food did I mention that already? I was asked by the lovely Abi to write a post on travel and for some bizarre reason the first thing that sprung into my mind was the school trips I had been on. I mean of all the wonderful holidays I have been on with my family and friends, I have chosen to talk about school. Literally now I have left school and moved onto Uni it's all I seem to talk about, even though while I was there I was very much ready to leave- ok now is not the time to be getting nostalgic about my childhood. I am not making a good first impression am I at all, you are all thinking who is this nutter rambling on, I am getting massively side tracked.
There was something always very overexciting about going to a foreign country on a school trip. You suddenly felt really independent, even though your teachers were obviously still looking after you. I mean you actually got to hold your passport for once, rather than your dad snatching it back off you as soon as you passed through security. Swanning around the streets of a foreign town during your “free time” thinking you were the absolute business- oh my, I cringe looking back.
One trip I particularly remember was when I went on a geography trip to Chamonix in France. Most people would associate Chamonix with the ski season but we went in the summer when most of the snow had gone, to do some hill-walking and look at some glaciers. This may sound boring but when you look at the pictures I think you will understand why I enjoyed the trip quite so much- the views were honestly breath-taking. (I realise I’m sounding pretty middle-aged in this post what with reminiscing about my school days and commenting on the outstanding views but if you read my blog you will realise this is a recurring theme, I’m a 19 year old middle aged woman.)
We stayed there for four days in what was a small hotel called the Vert Hotel, which I have since been on the website and it has now become a boutique hotel so looks even nicer than when we stayed there. During our time there most days we took the cable car up to Mont Blanc and then walked back down various different routes stopping off to look at the various geographical phenomena we had come to see. Up in the mountains was freezing cold but then as you began to walk down you would have to strip off all your layers as the temperature rose. The town of Chamonix itself is also extremely nice with lots of cute little shops and places to eat.
If you are looking for a peaceful and restful break, Chamonix is definitely the place to go during the summer months as I can imagine it's quite hectic with skiers during the winter. I say I imagine as I have in fact never been skiing and I don't really intend to in the near future, it's something I have never really fancied. Walking through the mountains however I enjoyed greatly its stress free and you can go at your own pace taking in the amazing views surrounding you. This to me sounds far nicer than hurtling down a mountain and most likely injuring myself in the process but then again that’s just me.

H xxx


  1. Your photographs are so beautiful! xx

  2. such gorgeous photographs and what a great idea to guest post!! xx


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